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Development process and tools

The project is made of several packages, but live in a single repository (a “monorepo”).

To start hacking on the project, you need git and poetry.

You will need also an instance of Docker, either locally or remotely (in which case you should set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable accordingly).

Monorepo and virtual environments

The project is a monorepo, so you need to install all dependencies in a single virtual environment.

To start hacking on the project, you should mostly need to type:

poetry shell
poetry install

This single environment can be used to develop all packages (i.e. you don’t need to activate a specific environment for each package).

But since all subpackages have different sets of dependencies, you can use Nox to run lint and tests for each subpackage:

nox -e lint
nox -e test
# Or just

Testing and static analysis

Unit tests

You can run unit tests with:

make test


nox -e test

End-to-end tests (e2e)

We also provide a script to run the end-to-end tests, which are located in the tests/e2e directory.

These tests leverage a virtual machine managed by Vagrant, to start from a clean state each time. They take quite a bit of time, though.

You can run them with either:

make test-e2e

from the top level directory, or:


from the tests/e2e directory.

Static analysis

We leverage several Python tools to perform static analysis:

  • Ruff
  • Flake8
  • Mypy
  • Pyright
  • Bandit
  • Safety
  • Deptry
  • Vulture

Each tool is configured in the pyproject.toml file or setup.cfg file of each package, or from the top level pyproject.toml file.

You can run all static analysis tools with:

nox -e lint


make lint

Additional tools

Makefile and Invoke

We provide a Makefile to ease some common tasks. Type make help to get a list of the most useful available targets.

For a few complex tasks, we also provide a file, which can be used with Invoke. Type invoke --list (or inv -l) to get a list of the available tasks.

Abilian DevTools

Nua uses Abilian DevTools to manage its QA process.

Release process

To release a new version on PyPI:

  1. Run invoke bump-version from the main branch. (invoke bump-version minor for a minor release, invoke bump-version major for a major release)

  2. Commit the changes, and push them to the main branch.

  3. Run invoke release. This will, among other things:

    • Merge the main branch into the release branch.
    • Replace relative packages paths with PyPI package names.
    • Replace nua-cli by nua
    • Apply the proper tag
    • Build and publish the package on PyPI.
    • Build and publish the documentation on GitHub Pages.

The main -> release merge may fail. In this case, fix the conflicts, commit and push the changes, checkout main again then run invoke release again. This should work eventually.